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Earth Care

At Krayzie Kapers we believe that the care of the earth is of paramount importance. As trail runners we get to enjoy, explore and embrace the most magical places on earth. We see things most only dream of. The wild of New Zealand is truly awe inspiring. To be so close to nature and yet still so close to our homes and workplaces is something unique to our homeland and it is our belief at Krayzie Kapers that we all need to play a part in not only protecting this wildness but in leaving it better than we found it. We start with sustainability and cause no harm, but this is not really enough ... we need to nurture and enhance wherever it is desirable and possible. We cannot stop the atrocities in the world and we cannot, in all reasonableness, work outside the current paradigm that we as humans have created, but we can do small things that make small impacts that when accumulated make big differences. In nurturing the earth we enhance the experience for ourselves and our friends and family and we enrich the lives of the flora and fauna that are essential to our experience of the wild. It starts with us!
With this in mind Krayzie Kapers is working towards creating events that cause minimal impact on the direct environment and have identified the following areas that we can make a small difference whilst providing a memorable experience and challenge for those who choose to participate:
A portion of your entry fee for Krayzie K's goes towards the planting of native trees within Orton Bradley Park as well as the upkeep of the trails.
A portion of your entry fee for Herbert Hustle goes towards the planting of native trees along the tracks that you will run on to help with the regeneration of natives in and around the valley.
Avoiding the use of "single use" plastic by:
- using compostable paper cups which we will compost ourselves for use in our own permaculture garden. These cups are made from paper that is harvested from sustainable forests.
- No single use plastic bags.
- requesting runners try to reduce the amount of single use plastic they bring to the event including things like glad wrap, sandwich bags, plastic cups etc.
Encouraging race entrants to car pool if this is possible.
Take only photos, leave only footprints.
By competitors staying on track you reduce the chance of damage to the fragile native bush areas. Each fern or sapling you stand on has a reduced chance at life.
Clear all rubbish and encourage participants and supporters to pick up any rubbish they see and transport it back to the provided receptacles for recycling and refuse.
Encouraging sponsors to support our policy of Earth Care by reducing the amount of plastic wrapping on their products and putting conscious thought into how their products are packaged.
We acknowledge that these small actions are but a drop in the ocean and many will say "but" ...but for us it is a place to begin.
We hope that no matter how small, you can join with us in not only helping to reduce the impact we have on this precious environment, but enhancing it and making it a better place for our children and grandchildren.
Krayzie Kapers Tree Tally
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